11 Aug 2019Form Number
LP1197PDF size
5 pages, 267 KBAbstract
Lenovo has announced two new servers based on the AMD EPYC 7002 Series processors, the ThinkSystem SR635 and SR655. Learn about these new servers with materials from Lenovo Press.
Change History
Changes in the August 8 update:
- Added the two new TPC-E world record benchmarks
Lenovo has announced two new servers based on the AMD EPYC 7002 family of processors:
- ThinkSystem SR635 - 1U rack server
- ThinkSystem SR655 - 2U rack server
These new servers feature a 64-core processor, 1TB of system memory, and 128 lanes of PCIe 4.0 connectivity. These flexible servers allow a broad range of slot and drive configuration choices, including NVMe-rich and GPU-rich configurations, for the ultimate in single-socket server performance.
Lenovo Press materials
Read about these new servers with these Lenovo Press deliverables:
- 3D Interactive Tours
- Product Guides
- Walk-through videos
Additional Lenovo resources:
- Lenovo/AMD Partnership video (also available on Youku)
- Testimonial from customer Allot (also available on Youku)
- Lenovo press release
Performance benchmarks
Lenovo uses key industry benchmarks to show the value and performance of ThinkSystem servers to customers.
The new AMD servers have achieved a total of 19 new world-record benchmark results.
The SR655 has achieve the following #1 benchmark results:
- 1-Socket TPC-E benchmark - 2 records
- 1-Socket SPEC OMP benchmark - 1 record
- 1-Socket SPEC MPI benchmark - 1 record
- 1-Socket SPEC ACCEL benchmarks - 2 records
- 1-Socket SPEC CPU benchmark - 4 records
- 1-Socket SPECjbb benchmark - 6 records
- 1-Socket SPEC Power benchmark - 1 record
The SR635 has achieve the following #1 benchmark results:
- 1-Socket SPEC CPU benchmark - 1 record
- 1-Socket SPEC Power benchmark - 1 record
Read about all of these results in the Lenovo Press article, Lenovo ThinkSystem Servers Continue to Lead the Industry in Performance and Customer Value.
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