7 Jan 2025Form Number
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57 pages, 1.3 MBAbstract
联想WenTian WR3220 G2是一款极具性价比的2路2U机架服务器,它强劲性能和经济性的完美结合适用于中小型企业,大企业及各行业对于服务器的关键需求,如产品的高可靠性、易管理和高安全性,以及可扩展性及灵活性。WR3220 G2 基于第三代英特尔 Xeon 可扩展处理器系列并支持新的英特尔 Optane 持久内存200 系列。 WR3220 G2 可以很好的支持各种工作负载,如数据库、虚拟化和云计算、虚拟桌面基础设施 (VDI)、基础设施安全、系统管理、企业应用程序、协作/电子邮件、流媒体、Web 等.
仅限中国大陆地区使用:联想WenTian WR3220 G2仅限中国大陆地区使用。
本产品指南提供了联想WenTian WR3220 G2服务器的售前必备信息,帮助您了解其主要特性和规格、部件和选项以及配置指南。本指南适用于技术专家、销售专家、销售工程师、IT架构师和其他希望更多地了解联想WenTian WR3220 G2并考虑在IT解决方案中使用它的IT专业人员。
Lenovo WenTian WR3220 G2 is a cost-effective 2-socket 2U rack server that combines strong performance with affordability, making it suitable for small to medium-sized enterprises, large businesses, and various industries with critical server requirements such as high reliability, ease of management, high security, as well as scalability and flexibility. The WR3220 G2 is based on the 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processor family and supports the Intel Optane Persistent Memory 200 series. The WR3220 G2 is well-equipped to support a variety of workloads, including databases, virtualization and cloud computing, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), infrastructure security, system management, enterprise applications, collaboration/email, streaming media, web services, and more.
China only: The WenTian WR3220 G2 is only available for customers in PRC.
This product guide provides essential pre-sales information to understand the WenTian WR3220 G2 server, its key features and specifications, components and options, and configuration guidelines. This guide is intended for technical specialists, sales specialists, sales engineers, IT architects, and other IT professionals who want to learn more about the WenTian WR3220 G2 and consider its use in IT solutions.
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